With the holidays over children all across Canada head back to school and to their extracurricular activities. Many of these activities, especially sports, require specialized equipment. From dance shoes to hockey gear, the costs can add up. In these tough economic times many parents find that their budgets are getting smaller, but the cost of many children’s extracurricular activities is remaining the same. Many parents recognize the value of these activities, and do not wish to withdraw their children from them simply because of the cost. To help offset these costs many parents are foregoing the annual trip to stores such as Sport Chek, which sell new sporting goods, and turning to second hand retailers such as Sports Swap in order to make their budgets stretch further. Though most sporting equipment is hearty enough to be used for years children often outgrow them before even a full year has passed. In the past, this meant that perfectly good equipment needed to be upgraded every year, resulting in a heavy financial cost for parents.
Businesses like Sports Swap allow parents to trade in their child's current equipment (provided it is in good shape) in exchange for cash or credit towards new items for their children. This system not only allows parents to save money but also reduces waste by giving outgrown items a second chance. It is also excellent for parents whose children have yet to decide what sport truly interests them. Children can try a sport for one season and then parents can trade equipment in for other sporting goods should the child decide their current sport is not right for them.
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