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February 2016
connecting with millennials

Appealing to Millennials

Millennials, also known as Generation Y, refers to the generation born between 1980 and 2000. This group of young consumers totals approximately 2. 5 billion people across the globe, accounting for roughly one third of the world’s population. . . .


Focus Groups Calgary

Show Your Customers Love All Year Long

As Valentine’s Day draws closer people across Canada think of love. Whether you have had it for years, have recently found it, or are still looking for that special someone Valentine’s Day tends to stick in your mind. For the past few weeks. . .


Calgary Focus Groups

Save Money With Flyers and Coupons

As food prices continue to rise Calgarians are finding more and more ways to stretch their grocery budgets. Last week we discussed 7 ways you could save money on groceries, from planning your meals to shopping around for the lowest price. Another. . .


January 2016
canada grocery shopping tips

7 Tips for Saving Money on Groceries

The plummeting dollar has affected Canadians in many ways but one of the most noticeable is at the grocery store. Rising food costs have left many families struggling and it is becoming harder to make the grocery budget stretch far enough each. . .


Canadian Tourism Calgary

A Weak Dollar Means More Canadians Vacationing Close to Home

Though many Canadians love to travel, a sinking Canadian dollar means that many are rethinking their travel plans. Even a quick getaway south of the border is becoming cost prohibitive as the Canadian dollar plummeted to $0. 70 USD on Tuesday,. . .


Second Hand Sporting Goods Calgary

As Household Budgets Shrink Parents Turn To Second Hand Sporting Goods Stores to Outfit Their Children

With the holidays over children all across Canada head back to school and to their extracurricular activities. Many of these activities, especially sports, require specialized equipment. From dance shoes to hockey gear, the costs can add up. In. . .


Quality Focus Group Recruiting Calgary

Market Research and the Importance of Quality Control

Quality control is important to the recruitment phase of market research. By ensuring that the system in place is structured and efficient we are able to ensure the success of our projects and keep our clients satisfied. By tracking key. . .


December 2015
Calgary Home Buyers

Recent Survey Offers Insight into Calgary Home Buyers

Calgarians love planned communities, and are willing to move to them. According to a recent survey of Calgary homebuyer’s conducted by StyleLabs 84% of Calgarians plan to purchase or build a new home in Calgary within the next 10 years. This data. . .


Alberta Oil Economy Upside

Alberta May Actually Benefit From the Cooling Off of the Oil Industry

Oil prices saw a small uptick this week, something that caused many Albertans to breathe a very short sigh of relief. Alberta has relied heavily on oil for decades, so much so that one of our major hockey teams is even called the Oilers. This means. . .


Christmas Toy Guide Calgary

Christmas 2015 Top Toys for Toddlers, Preschoolers and School Aged Children

As the holidays quickly approach parents, aunts, uncles and grandparents everywhere are on the hunt for the perfect gift. Take the guesswork out of gift giving with this list of top toys for each age group. Toddlers Fisher-Price Little. . .


Holidays on a budget

4 Ways to Make Your Holiday Budget Stretch Without Feeling Like Scrooge

Retailers are going to have to work hard to stand out from the competition this holiday season. 53% of Canadians plan to spend the same amount on holidays as they did last year, and a full 37% plan to reduce their spending according to a poll. . .


November 2015
Online Christmas Shopping

As the Holiday’s Approach Amazon Continues to Dominate Online Sales

For many shoppers Black Friday officially marks the beginning of the holiday shopping season. A few years ago this would have meant bundling into our cars and hitting the local mall or large department store, only to contend with large crowds and. . .


Focus Group Recruiting Calgary

Recruiting Valuable Respondents Using a Large Pool of Quality Recruits

Focus groups can unearth a large quantity of valuable data if they are done right. Gaining that valuable data depends on a variety of factors including a skilled moderator and appropriate, engaged participants. Unfortunately, focus group recruiting. . .


Leading Market Research Company Canada

Why Partner with StyleLabs?

Choosing a facility for your next focus group can be a tough decision. You need to know that the company you choose values your research, and your business, as much as you do. At StyleLabs we always go the extra mile to ensure you have the resources. . .


Gamification on Focus Groups

Engaging with Participants

Games fascinate us. From our childhood toys, to sports and videogames as teenagers to crossword and sudoku puzzles in adulthood games are excellent at keeping us entertained. We tend to find any topic at hand more interesting if there is a game-like. . .


October 2015
Professional Moderator Calgary

Why Should I Hire a Professional Moderator for My Focus Group?

Though it may be tempting to ask one of your own employees to moderate your focus group it really does pay to hire a professional. Here are 7 reasons you should hire a professional moderator for your next focus group. Your findings appear more. . .


Focus Group Canadian Leader

The StyleLabs Advantage

As you know a well run focus group can yield valuable market research for any company. However, getting a group of individuals who possess the knowledge you need to generate valuable research can be a difficult task. That is where StyleLabs steps. . .


Focus Group Participation Calgary

Why should I participate in a Focus Group?

There are a variety of reasons people opt to participate in focus groups. By participating in focus groups you can not only help companies gain valuable insight you can help with medical research or do things you already love to do. Here are 4. . .


Focus Group Benefits Calgary

What are the Benefits of Focus Groups?

Focus groups can be an excellent research tool for companies. By being able to speak directly to your target demographic you can better understand their likes, their dislikes and how they view your company and its services or products. There are. . .


September 2015

Evolving Focus Groups

Building our newest focus group facility this year, we spent some time studying the evolution of the focus group. We did this so we can extrapolate the appeal of this methodology at it’s infancy and how it’s evolved.   Following World War. . .


March 2015

Choosing a Focus Group Recruiter 101

We have no problem telling everyone how good we are.  We don't, however, want anyone to mistake that for arrogance.  We've spent an incredible amount of time and resources as well as learned a LOT of hard lessons to earn those bragging. . .



Deciding on StyleLabs for your Focus Group Recruiting and Facility Needs in Vancouver

StyleLabs Focus Group and Recruiting Services in Vancouver We are your gateway to fieldwork across Canada.  StyleLabs boasts one of the country's largest South Asian panels, supplementing our highly segmented research community Canada. . .



Deciding on StyleLabs for your Focus Group Recruiting and Facility Needs in Calgary

There are two great companies in Calgary where recruitment and focus group facilitie are available.  Please refer to StyleLabs or Qualitative Coordination links highlighted for scope of services. StyleLabs (our company) -  #222, 622 5th. . .


Latest Testimonial

The facilities at StyleLabs are on another level. With their excellent technology and friendly, efficient staff, I never have to think twice about where to host my next group.

Eric L.

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Need to Book a Facility? Recruit a Focus Group? Looking for Experienced Moderating Services? We also specialize in building online communities. Fill out the contact form below, and let's connect!

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